Friday, March 20, 2020

Parson: Gatherings will be limited to 10 people, businesses will remain open

Gov. Mike Parson is issuing an order limiting gatherings in Missouri to no more than 10 people.

The announcement was made about an hour ago during the daily COVID-19 briefing.

Parson also announced that a second COVID-19 death has taken place in Missouri, this one in Jackson County.

Tests confirmed 28 new cases Thursday and another 46 today, the governor said.

"This number is going to continue to rise as we continue to do more testing across the state of Missouri, we will be finding more and more people that will test positive.

"The good news is that we are identifying the people who test positive, so we can get them in quarantine."

Parson said he wanted to thank Missourians for their "efforts to combat COVID-19," and "all of our medical professionals, health care providers, first responders, emergency personnel for going above and beyond to help fellow Missourians.

"Our schools, teachers and administrators are finding new and creative ways to continue education for our students during this time."

Parson also thanked local leaders for their "continued communication, coordination and preparation in their communities," and "all of the fellow citizens who have stepped up into leadership roles and asked what they could do to help."

Citizens have been practicing social distancing, Parson said, but they are going to be asked to do so even more.

"Gatherings of more than 10 people will be prohibited," Parson said. "This order will make statewide restrictions on gathering of people."

Parson said the order was not about shutting places down. "The order is tailored to avoid restrictions on businesses and organizations that promote the health and safety of Missourians. This order will not apply to religious services, hospitals, grocery stores, pharmacies and other cornerstones of our communities.

"This order will also not apply to the functions of state government."

Parson said further details will be released at Saturday's briefing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too little, too late.