Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Parson to Joplin Mayor Shaw: People of SW MO practice common sense, don't need strict rules like those others

It must have been a meeting of great political minds.

During his portion of today's COVID-19 briefing, Joplin Mayor Gary Shaw disclosed a telephone conversation he had with Gov. Mike Parson in which the two leaders shared their views of why this area is doing so well and has so few cases on the coronavirus.

Shaw said the governor told him, "The people of southwest Missouri practice common sense. We don't have to have all of the strict rules like those others do."

Shaw did not mention who the governor thought those others were, but a few moment earlier, Shaw had mentioned all of the problems St. Louis has been having with COVID-19.

If he hadn't been so pressed for time, Shaw undoubtedly could have told Joplin residents what the governor told him about the things the people in the St. Louis area have done that might indicate that they do not have common sense. Perhaps Parson was referring to their decision to be born as members of minority groups, live in crowded areas and not have much money.

Shaw announced that the City of Joplin's stay-at-home order has been extended to April 24 to coincide with the statewide order Gov. Parson put into effect.

Those who watched the briefing live on Facebook heard Shaw at his most eloquent for the first minute and a half.

At that point, the audio problems were corrected.

Today's briefing also included an update from Health Department Director Dan Pekarek, who said the COVID-19 count in Joplin still stands at six with three of those in isolation.

Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce President Toby Teeter provided an update on mask distribution and Joplin Public Library Director Jeana Gockley offering information on the services the library continues to offer even though its doors are closed.


Anonymous said...


Hold my beer and watch this!


smh at the stupidity

Anonymous said...

Also in the news...The Presnit is fixin to have a meeting of the minds with some powerful people, a few of them have been critics- should go smoothly but who knows?

"Donald Trump prepares for day of talks with his 'reopening' brains trust - including Jeff Bezos who he called a 'bozo,' Mark Cuban who called HIM a jag-off and economist who said president was a '10 out of 10 narcissist'

Trump on Tuesday read through a list of more than 100 executives who will be advising him on when to open the country
He is enlisting CEOs from banking, sports, energy, food, and retail industries
Bezos, who owns the Washington Post, wasn't on the list Trump originally read
Former George W. Bush Economic Advisor had Trump analyzed from afar and said China considers him a narcissist
Said he had long-term planning of an 'empty chair' and that his mother did not give him attention
Dallas Mavericks owner and Shark Tank star Mark Cuban called Trump a 'jag off'
Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase mocked Trump for inheriting his money from 'his daddy' and said he would win if he ran against him"

(pardon the language but the presnit himself has been known to use foul language himself)

Wuli said...

Why is she not wearing a mask? I must agree with your good mayor and our absentee governor on the number of common cents in SW MO. We have grown our own pot and manufactured our own brand of crack for decades. Which is more than enough time to see generational cognitive improvement from elected officials.

Anonymous said...

Who wears a mask on the shortbus?