Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Parson: We're not going to let everyone vote by mail- it's all political

Apparently, Gov. Mike Parson (shown at the Newton County Republicans' Watermelon Feed in the days before social distancing) has rejected the pleas of local election officials, including Greene County Republican County Clerk (and former state representative) Shane Schoeller to allow everyone to vote by absentee ballots to ensure safety while the COVID-19 situation.

Following President Donald Trump's lead, Parson has completely rejected the idea, claiming it is all political.

From an article just posted by the Springfield News-Leader:
“The absentee ballot is more of a political issue than it is anything,” he said. “This is a Democrat-Republican issue and that's where this is all headed, is to a political answer as to what's driving behind this force.” 
Parson added that right now, the government needs to focus on jobs and the economy, not elections.

Shouldn't the government, including Gov. Mike Parson also be focusing on keeping people safe?


karen said...

My daughter lived in OR. They have all mail in elections. Every registered voter gets a ballot in the mail. You fill it out, you mail it back. All elections. All through the mail. No muss, no fuss. No big deal. Not political. Not fake news. It's not that hard.

Anonymous said...

There's always a fuss in former slave states when anyone tries to make it easier for people of color and Democratic voters to vote.

These people don't think their beloved Stars and Bars and Confederate memorials stand for voting rights for minorities.

Hyacinth said...

I read the most ignorant comment from a local on FB. She said, "If you can go to the grocery store, you can go vote." She is against voting by mail. Considering that we are quarantined, most people are not going to the grocery store. Common sense says that if we are going to be quarantined into the elections then the elections need to be postponed or we need to be afforded other ways to cast a ballot.

Anonymous said...

Look at the local elected officials- no wonder there's plenty of ignorant elected officials- a plurality of the local voters are plumb ignorant!

Anonymous said...

I won’t make any sweeping generalizations here like “a plurality of local voters are plumb ignorant,” but I can say that the commenters on this post so far have some common traits. Liberal women from out of town who can’t help being hypocritical. Most people are not going to the grocery store? Wrong. Any mention of the vote by mail being a bad idea is met with criticism by these women, just because it comes from a republican politician. They react the same way when the same politicians promote voter ID. Voter ID is bad, because it has been proven to disenfranchise minorities and the poor because they don’t have stable housing, reliable access to the Internet, or the time to go online or to an office to file the application. Guess what you need to register for vote by mail in Oregon? That’s right. A state issued driver license or state issued ID. You are showing your white privilege here by not realizing that. No fuss, no muss? What about the people who do not have a stable mailing address tied to their name? Are you racist? And the suggestion that the next election should be postponed is the least thoughtful comment here. Why would anyone in their right mind want to have the possibility of even one more day of Donald Trump as president? Do you think before you comment, or are you so partisan that you have to criticize all republican politicians by default, regardless of hypocrisy?

Anonymous said...

Wow. A lot of generalizations here. I see that these four women all have the same level of hypocrisy and emotional reaction to seeing the governor's name. I understand that is a generalization, but not as wide a generalization as 3:41's "a plurality of the local voters are plumb ignorant."
Most people aren't going to the grocery store? Wrong.
These comments not only show how emotional you get about anything a republican politician says, but in your criticism, you show hypocrisy. Mail voting is not as easy as no-muss, no-fuss, and if a politician suggests that all voting should move to mail, you should be outraged at the potential disenfranchisement of minority and poor people. That is the argument used all of the time against requiring voters to have a photo ID to vote. Do you know what voters in Oregon are REQUIRED to have in order to register for vote-by-mail? That's right. They need a state-issued driver license or a state-issued photo ID. Easy to verify that requirement on the Oregon Secretary of State website.
So, you are now advocating for people to be required to have a state-issued photo ID to vote? That's what vote-by-mail states require. Won't that requirement disenfranchise people who can't get to a state ID issuing office in their town because they don't have the time, the money, or the mobility to do so? Isn't that an unfair barrier to voting for some people? What about people who are not financially stable enough to maintain a regular mailing address tied to their name in the government database? Should they have to go through a hassle every election? Why not let them walk-in to vote on election day? They walk into the supermarket to get groceries, and that has much more potential for spreading germs than getting a ballot, checking some boxes, and feeding it into the machine.
And you suggest that we postpone elections because of the pandemic? Why would you suggest a solution that has the potential of leaving Donald Trump in office even one day past the next election?
It seems like these four comments are emotional reactions to seeing the governor's name in the headline, rather than thoughtful suggestions.

Anonymous said...

I bet both 5:44 and 9:02 didn't marry a woman who was smarter than him.

Anonymous said...

No response to my arguments about mail voting? Just a personal attack? Typical. And my husband is not as smart as me. Why do you assume I have a wife? Typical.

Anonymous said...

Lots of women have wives these days.

Oh well.

Guess you maybe have never heard of that.