Friday, May 08, 2020

Survey deadline extended in MSSU presidential search

(From Southern News Service)

With the three presidential finalists having completed the on-campus portion of the interview process at Missouri Southern State University, the decision has been made to extend the survey process in order to facilitate more feedback.

Dr. William Tsutsui

Survey Link:

Watch the Town Hall Session:

Survey Closes: Sunday, May 10.

Dr. Frank “Mac” McConnell

Survey Link:

Watch the Town Hall Session:

Survey Closes: Sunday, May 10.

Dr. Dean Van Galen

Survey Link:

Watch the Town Hall Session:

Survey Closes: Sunday, May 10.

An open comments survey has been provided to allow feedback from the Missouri Southern community. The link is and it will remain open through noon Sunday, May 10.

The final survey will allow an open-ended opportunity to provide feedback; however, respondents are encouraged to keep thoughts focused and concise.

Each of the surveys will be processed by EFL Associates, and all responses are anonymous. If you have any questions about the survey process or have problems with Survey Monkey, contact Angela Lilje at 816-945-5410 or

Surveys can be accessed at

For more information about the town hall sessions, visit

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