Monday, May 04, 2020

Survey process announced for MSSU presidential search

(From Southern News Service)

With three finalists set to visit the Missouri Southern State University campus this week, a series of online surveys has been established to facilitate feedback in the search for the next university president.

The survey process was announced by the Kansas City-based search and recruitment firm EFL Associates on behalf of Missouri Southern’s Board of Governors.

Students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to share their responses following each of the town hall sessions.

Dr. William Tsutsui: Town hall, 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 6. The survey link is; and will remain open through noon Thursday, May 7.
Dr. Frank “Mac” McConnell: Town hall, 2:30 p.m. Thursday, May 7. The survey link is; and will remain open through noon Friday, May 8.

Dr. Dean Van Galen: Town hall, 2:30 p.m. Friday, May 8. The survey link is; and will remain open through noon Saturday, May 9.

An open comments survey will be provided to allow feedback from the Missouri Southern community once all three candidates have visited campus. The link is and it will remain open through noon Sunday, May 10.

The final survey will allow an open-ended opportunity to provide feedback; however, respondents are encouraged to keep thoughts focuses and concise.

Each of the surveys will be processed by EFL Associates, and all responses are anonymous. If you have any questions about the survey process or have problems with Survey Monkey, contact Angela Lilje at 816-945-5410 or

Surveys can be accessed at

For more information about the town hall sessions, visit

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