Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Josh Hawley: Antifa Scumbags attacked my wife and baby- Send me money!

While Josh Hawley was in Missouri Monday night, protesters showed up at his home in Virginia, something that became the subject of a Hawley tweet.

Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can’t travel. They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door. Let me be clear: My family & I will not be intimidated by leftwing violence

The police seemed to disagree about the severity of that problem and Hawley was apparently unaware that talk radio pundits are predicting the Antifa Scumbags will win their division this year.

Nevertheless, the relentless Hawley campaign (Senate re-election or President, you take your pick), took advantage of the opportunity to ask for money, sending out the following e-mail solicitation:

Fellow American,

Did you see this? Josh’s family was threatened last night by radicals! They came to his home with bullhorns while his wife and newborn daughter were inside.

There are some on the far-left who are so brainwashed, they believe it is OK to shout down and stalk those with viewpoints that don’t align with theirs.

We must not bow down to the Liberal agenda, and we do not have to tolerate harassment from liberals or the media. We need to make our voices heard.

Please Join Us >>> 

The issue Josh is raising on January 6th is about the 2020 elections and the future of our voting system in America. We MUST be able to have confidence in our vote and integrity in our electoral process.

Don’t be intimidated by Liberals or the media. Join us today to make your voice heard!


I removed the links, so you will have to donate somewhere else.

1 comment:

What we now know! said...

Did you see this? Our country was threatened last week by radicals! They came to OUR house with bull horns, pipe bombs, and feces while legally elected officials were attempting to perform their duties.
There are some who are so brainwashed they believe it is OK to shoutdown, stalk and threaten those with viewpoints that don't align with their leaders.
We must not bow down and we do not have to tolerate treason from elected officials or their mobs. We need to make our voices heard!