Thursday, September 09, 2021

Josh Hawley: Biden must resign- send me money

Josh Hawley's election committee is hard at work again, sending out a message today that features the senator calling for President Joe Biden to resign.

Naturally, if you think things are going bad enough that the president should resign, you had better start gathering some money for your re-election bid, which is only three years away.

The message is printed below with the links leading to the donations removed for the nation's safety.

Fellow American,

Biden's presidency has been a disaster! America's standing at home and abroad has been SIGNIFICANTLY diminished because of the policies coming out of the White House.

For the good of the nation, I called on President Biden to resign.

Enough is enough. Biden left Americans stranded in Afghanistan, while celebrating it all as a success. He needs to go.

I will continue the fight to hold Joe Biden accountable, but I can't do it alone. I need patriots like you to support my mission.

America is worth fighting for!

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