Thursday, June 06, 2024

Memorial Hall, homeless plan on tap for Joplin City Council work session



Anonymous said...

Don’t let Memorial Hall be destroyed like the Connor was. Wert and his lemmings are counting on you for a parking lot. Don’t let them win. Keep the Hall!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sometimes things sound good on paper, but when executed especially with any type of the Government involved always leads to disaster. Look at all the major cities and the thousands of Government Housing and Projects they built, some so bad today that only animals can live in and a high majority that had to be torn down or condemned, because the tenants did not take care or respect what they were given.

When people do not have to put their own effort or hard work and only receive a free handout they will never get ahead and continue down the path allowing the Government to Support them the rest of their lives.

Take PPP Loans, it was to save jobs, keep businesses running during Covid - it set the precedence for some of the biggest fraud our country has seen. On top of that it started the "Stay at Home Attitude", for working and just staying home not-working and collecting checks. Even when the Economy bounced back Employers could not get Employees back into the Office or fill the Millions of Jobs that are available in the marketplace.

The U.S. Small Business Administration inspector general estimates $136 billion in fraud from the EIDL and $64 billion in fraud from the PPP.

Anonymous said...

This post has nothing to do with PPP loans.

Anonymous said...

5:41AM, it has to do with anything the government touches turns into a debacle. Whether that is at the local, state, or federal government levels.

It is estimated that there are about 645-Homeless people in the city of Joplin. Out of the meeting came the following decisions - - The result of this was a 167-page document and a new project called the Community Plan to Address Homelessness, which recommends a three-year timeline to address the issue. Only three-years, how many more Homeless people will Joplin have by then and what are they planning to do with the current 645-estimated homeless?

The government has created multiple low- or no-income housing projects in the United States, that have turned into condemned buildings, unfit for inhabitants. Then bulldozed them down. Wasting billions and billions of dollars, because they were funded and administered by the government, who have no idea how to run a business.

Multiple examples how the government throws money at problem and fails to put in check and balances, and just throws billions of dollars, and later finds out what a failure it is.

Example the EIDL (Economic Injury Disaster Loans) and PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) where between those 2-covid programs there was estimated over $200 Billion Dollars of Fraud.

The government does not make money, it only uses tax-payers money or prints its own and then runs up our national debt, never having to balance its budget, just spend, spend, spend! No Business could do that or they would go out of business, but the government never worries, it just spends taxpayer dollars or prints money,

So, when ever you ask the government to solve a problem, they only know how to spend others money, never make it, never worry about it, just throw money at it -

Anonymous said...

You went off topic about Covid and PPP loans again.

Anonymous said...

The government couldn’t run a lemonade stand, I have no idea why people put so much faith in our government. Just a few examples Social Security, Our roads/infrastructure federal state county or city. The electric grid, healthcare, law enforcement 700 hours of training but to be a barber it takes 2000 hours, I wonder who thought this up

Anonymous said...

The Memorial Hall issue is simple: tear it down. It’s dated and dilapidated, the city pours more funds into it than it generates and when was the last time the building held event where the general public actually wanted to go to it? With the presence of the new building on the north side, it’s now a downtown eyesore that is not worth the maintenance and upkeep. Take it to the ground and be done.
The city has spent more funds conducting studies and hiring firms to offer solutions, yet no action has been taken. Tear it down. It’s that simple.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, the Hall's time has come and gone.

Anonymous said...

245, Sounds like your world must be frought with pessimism, hopelessness, and one VERY large lack of trust. Your posts give accurate indication of why there's a magat cult following in our country. Followers of this doctrine like yourself, sadly are being manipulated into believing that government is the enemy and that devotion to trump will save the country and the world. Hmmm, maybe we've forgotten how 2 world wars took place. History is attempting to repeat itself again. Wisen up 245, and others like you. Trump is your hitler.

Anonymous said...

All they want to do is tear the Hall down, they have been trying for years, I imagine it will be tore down in the next 15 years for some BS reason.

Anonymous said...

The fact that the building is falling apart isn't a BS reason.

Anonymous said...

The fact that the City let it get in that condition is a BS reason,