Friday, October 18, 2024

Carthage City Councilwoman Tiffany Cossey charged with stealing


Whether she will still be a member of Carthage City Council at that point depends on the voters, but a 9 a.m. November 21 initial appearance is scheduled in Carthage Municipal Court for City Council member Tiffany Cossey on a stealing charge.

The Carthage Police Department filed the citation against Cossey for allegedly stealing two signs asking people to vote to remove her from the City Council October 11.

Carthage residents have already had the opportunity to read about the case thanks to Facebook postings from Cossey and from the What's Happening at Carthage MO City Council page, which have posted differing versions of the alleged crime.

Both versions end with the signs in Cossey's trunk. 

Posted six days ago on What's Happening at Carthage MO City Council:

Breaking news: we are unaware of all the details, but some signs were taken by someone and were in the possession of councilwoman Tiffany Cossey, they were retrieved from her trunk.

But the police showed up and her attorney showed up very rapidly. Must be nice to get that kind of legal services on a Friday after hours.

It’s unclear who took the signs, but it’s very clear they were in her possession, which is an election violation of a fairly decent magnitude.

We will report updates as we get them.

Cossey provided her own version of events later that day:

I’m sure you’ve seen some new lies and scandal from what has now accurately been dubbed the “Hate Page,” which is run by the person who accurately identified himself to the city council as the “Merchant of Hate.” The real story is much less scandalous.

Coming to work at my office today, I saw two recall signs in my neighbor’s yard. I have a good relationship with my neighbor, so I was confused and I wondered if he was, too.

I went to talk to him. He told me that he didn’t know what the signs meant and that his son asked him to put them up. English is not his first language. After we talked about what is going on in the city, he pulled the signs out of his yard and had me put in one of mine.

He gave me the signs he had pulled out. Not knowing what to do with them, I tossed them in my trunk for the time being and went in to work. Later in the afternoon, Bill Scheerer came by and asked if I had the signs and I gave them back to him. That’s it.

It seems that wasn’t enough drama for him, so he went to the police station and made a complaint.

In retrospect, I wish I would have told the neighbor to keep them at his house for Scheerer to collect. Hindsight is 20/20. 

I never had an intent to steal signs; if there was I wouldn’t have given them back when asked if I had them. I would have simply lied and said I hadn’t seen them. When the police officer came to my office to discuss it he seemed content and left shortly after talking to me and to my neighbor to confirm the information.

Some people will take any opportunity to spin things. This is just an angry man trying to make something out of nothing to further his cause. I’m sure it doesn’t help that, yet another person chose the right side of things once the truth was known.

The photo above, which is from the What's Happening at Carthage MO City Council Facebook page, shows Cossey returning the signs to the rightful owner, something she acknowledged doing in a Facebook post.

What's Happening at Carthage Mo City Council responded later that day with information that didn't match Cossey's version of events.

We are glad to receive a response 6 1/2 hours after the incident was first reported. Ms Cossey, you are not the victim.

I am excited to obtain the body cam footage of her testimony, Bill Scheerers testimony and the testimony of the neighbor.

Regardless of whether or not she knew the laws or understood rules of elections, the signs were gone from a yard they were put in, Bill went to ask the gentleman who owned the home what happened to the signs.

The man told him the neighbor took them. So Bill went and asked Tiffany where his signs were. She went to her car and opened her trunk and pulled out two signs that had the wire frames already removed from them and they were put in the backseat which she also had to retrieve.

She then called her lawyer to show up at her office because she knew she messed up. I have never once in my life had to call a lawyer over an honest mistake or misunderstanding.

The bad news for her is that she gave a statement before her lawyer arrived, her statement confirmed what had happened.

What she conveniently left out is that she told the man who owns the house next to her, if they kept the sign up and didn’t put hers up the kids who live next-door would not be allowed to wander onto her property anymore. Because sometimes they play on the parking lot. 

We spoke to these people, too, they confirmed that she pulled them out of the ground, and she put them in her trunk.

The sad part about this is it’s going to become a legal matter, and charges will be pressed tomorrow and depending on how long it goes on the public will not get to see what happened until the full case is over.

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Anonymous said...

Ok, she and the CCU (wonder why the leaders of this group each have a network in excess of $1M? Like, is there something for them to gain by pushing her?), constantly talk about how she's a CPA, and Attorney, the Savior of Carthage, but she didn't know hiding the signs in her trunk was wrong? Really? She claims superior intelligence and demeans everyone so she should have know better.

Wonder what would have happened if the dude didn't come looking for them? She is a liar and now she is a thief. Apparently this is what CCU wants on the council, liars and thief's.

Anonymous said...

She is quite literally the Female version of Trump. Sarcastic attitude. All knowing. Unrelenting. Bellyache about the press unfair coverage. Unable to build consensus. While they are smart, and occasionally right, they both do not have the humility to lead and now let’s add a law enforcement dust up.
Carbon copy different sex same poor elected official.

Anonymous said...

Randy, you’re a gigantic ass! It’s a good thing your readers don’t dig into your past!

Anonymous said...

Fiscal Responsibility

Looks like a shining example of the four pillars of government to me. Bet the CCU is regretting their donation to her committee you already covered.

Anonymous said...

100% entrapment, KF, but nice try. Sure is convenient how your BFF Sheererrer and others were at the ready with a camera, especially so close to the election.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Kirk! What a CHAMPION for the people! Literally several articles of child abuse, murder, and kidnapping on this same blog, but does Kirk and the legion rally on that? Shoot no, let's show someone ALLEGEDLY stealing signs! Report the whole story!

Anonymous said...

Paul Wilson PLEASE go away. You’re a boil on everyone’s backside except for the CCU’s ass you keep kissing.

Anonymous said...

She was dumb enough to steal them in broad daylight. Just wait until further evidence is presented from the neighbors. It’s going to get real good!

Anonymous said...

Maybe because she DIDN'T steal them? To me she was putting.them in a SAFE place until they could be delivered. The neighbor unwittingly displayed them in the first place. Hard to imagine anyone ate up with the dumbass more than you.

Anonymous said...

6:14, can't come up with anything original? Wait, is this Woody? No need to stop acting like a lady.

Anonymous said...

Sumthang's Rong!

Anonymous said...

She admitted to stealing them. And there was no language barrier. Just wait until the cop’s body cam footage is released.

But it’s really the least of her worries. She lied under oath during the displacement hearing. Be sure and watch the news next week. She.Is.Done.

Anonymous said...

She put them in her trunk for 8 hours. Yeah, I’m sure she was going to go personally deliver them to Bill or Kirk.

Anonymous said...

Some people are never happy with the news. This article included full transcripts of What’s happening at Carthage city council and Tiffany’s statement! How much more transparent can a person be in their reporting?

Anonymous said...

Reading her statement, she admits to using poor judgement. Says hindsight is 20/20, she’s admitting to doing it. In the lightest way possible.

The part about implying that the people who live by her business are dumb because they doing speak English and they were “fooled”, is also quite the statement.

Kudos to Bill Scheerer to having the guts to ask her, “where are my signs, the neighbors told me you pulled them from the ground and walked them over here”

The picture is priceless, the kid that at the last piece of cake before dad got home from work.

Anonymous said...

The heads are exploding all over Carthage tonight. Carthage beats Webb city in a football game and all everyone can talk about is how dumb Tiffany is.

Then you have Brandy Raney and her mom defending TC……Paul Wilson (dumbass who zoomed into the meeting the other day smoking) trying to come up with some spin.

The super low IQ people Hans and Ronnie trying to drum up something.

You know who’s not saying a damn word? All the truly connected CCU people who are just using the aforementioned idiots to get their messaging done.

More and more CCU folks are dropping out of the conversations hoping that everyone forgets they ever took part in the coup of Carthage 2024

Anonymous said...

You know why CCU and others aren't saying anything? A lion doesn't have to tell anyone he's a lion. Unlike the legion who constantly has to chirp to try and smear others because of personal angles, like losing out on a land deal. Quick Google search of KF will give an indication of his buisness prowess and lack thereof. Must be his own shortcomings and lack of success causing misery. the self-loathing and the need to try and suck others into his pit.The loudest person in the room is the weakest person in the room. Again, the mayor himself appointed Tiffany and she has performed her civic responsibilities and put herself out there, unlike the keyboard warrior peanut gallery. Regardless of outcome, Tiffany will persevere via her multiple career avenues which doesn't include renting her house out and living with her parents.

Tim said...

Why would you attack the messenger? This man is a good honest reporter. And everyone has things in their past. If your mad that a friend is being a reported thief and a liar maybe you should sit down and reflect on your own life and standing as a person.

Tim said...

This town is such a clown show, and I love it. Keep up with the hits.

Anonymous said...

That’s a truly odd assessment. CCU has been posting things on a pretty regular basis since the May/June of last year…….were they the weakest person in the room before yesterday?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the musings of a self proclaimed "Investigative Journalist." The Wilson dude is a weird little man. I have no idea why you considers himself a journalist. The mere suggestion this article is biased shows Wilson's total lack of understanding the basic tenants of being a journalist. If Wilson was legit he would look at the allegations against Bryant at CWEP for using funds to pay for a hotel room for the woman he was/is having an affair with. He would look at who would have benefitted from the land deal Dagnan shot down. He would look at why CWEP refused to provide a line by line review of their finances. He would question a lot more than a blogger.

Anonymous said...

"Word gets around when the circus comes to town, don't it?"

Cormac McCarthy

Anonymous said...

If I ask someone to put signs in their yard do I still retain ownership? Wouldn't the signs then become the property of the new owner?

Anonymous said...

It's absolutuely not true that CCU isn't saying anything.

They have a new facebook post up at their CCU Facebook page.

They are wishing everyone HAPPY MAPLE LEAF!

Anonymous said...

Stay on track, pookie. This is about Cossey and the entrapment.

Anonymous said...

Nothing says powerful like personally removing your opponent's political signs. (Not)

No matter what the reason offered, it's just wrong; and any political candidate probably ought to be smart enough to know that in advance.

Anonymous said...

You're starting to waffle like the mayor. Make up your mind, is the CCU sounding off or are they cowering? This is too easy.

Anonymous said...

Wilson is a has-been hack that is too dumb to use Zoom, and Turner is still putting out articles. All you need to know about that.

Anonymous said...

Wishing everyone Happy Maple Leaf is a powerful move from CCU!

Very Powerful!


For sure!

Anonymous said...

Look up the statutory definition of entrapment. There is no possibility this is entrapment. Do you really think it the dude who went to pick up his signs wouldn't have recorded it? She's crazy AF and who knows what she would have claimed.

Anonymous said...

Carthage - What a 💩 Show... 🤡🤡🤡

Anonymous said...

Can Carthage be any more like a Soap Opera, and everyone playing their parts to a tee. Tiffany Cossey is such an Idiot and so full of Drama.

The Residents of Carthage deserve so much more, yet they sacrifice themselves by allowing Idiots to run the Town and County.

Stop putting up with all of this - YOU ARE THE LAUGHINGSTOCK - Of Southwestern Missouri. Which is Hard to do because of Joplin, Neosho, and McDonald County. So much Incompetence in such a Small Town - You would think that they all have been Drinking Water with Lead in it causing - Brain Damage.

Paul D Wilson said...

Too dumb to use Zoom? My apologies, it’s the City who didn’t cut the video feeds in time! Had nothing to do with me. Half my life is spent on business Zoom calls. Back up and try again!

Anonymous said...

Carthage is almost to catch up with Neosho drama.

Anonymous said...

Entrapment/Set-up/Framed/Baited/Taunted/Booby Trapped/Ensnared/Pitfall/Lured. Your side are the ones that show signs of diabolical mental illness.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wilson, pay them no mind. They literally have nothing of substance to say. Even the lies they come up with because they have nothing are weak.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the Joplin Globe, other local Newspapers, or the rest of the Television and Radio Outlets, or Online News Service - Fourstateshomepage, Etc., have not had an Article on this Latest Development - Carthage City Councilwoman Tiffany Cossey charged with stealing?

News Releases in Southwestern Missouri - Seems to Run very Slow - or should we say - Politically.

Randy - Does a Good Job by Scooping the Rest of Them - -

Wishing a Happy Maple Leaf Festival - or a Happy Festivus - "A Festivus for the Rest of Us!".

Anonymous said...

KSN/Kode did a good story as well

Anonymous said...

In third grade, students learn even more about capitalization rules. They add initials and abbreviations to their list of when to use a capital letter. They also use capitals when writing the names of cities, states, and countries.

Anonymous said...

8:28AM - I stand corrected, I did not see that.

Anonymous said...

I agree Randy does a good job, he censors some of my comments sometimes but that’s because he can, it’s his platform but he definitely is biased to the dems.

Anonymous said...

11:42AM - Read the Original Constitution - Our Founding Fathers - Used Capital Letters through Out One of the Most Famous Documents in the World - Right behind the Bible - If using Capital Letters was good enough for them - It is Definitely Good Enough for Me - - Maybe Not for a Critical AZZ - Like You - but the Rest of Us - Plus in Third Grade - You Should have learned another Vital Lesson or Rule - Respect People that are W-A-Y Smarter than You - because you will Probably be Working For Us.

Anonymous said...

I've literally never met such as moronic troglodyte such as Paul Wilson. Claims to be this genius investigative journalist but can't do much more than second rate insults on a blog post. What a sad little Rachel Maddow look alike, if you add another 100 lbs.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that argument would work with any teacher, professor, or editor. How silly of me. Certainly makes you look like a scholar and gentleman to be taken seriously. Along with your profound knowledge of the Bible, no way you're a misogynist either even though it appears that way from your diatribe. Masters or PHD to go along with that realtor license?

Anonymous said...

Sadhguru: "If someone else thinks you are smart, it is ok. It is just their opinion. If you think you are smart, it means you are stupid."