Monday, October 14, 2024

Carthage for Cossey Committee raises $2,000 in one day to battle recall effort

A committee to support embattled Carthage City Council member Tiffany Cossey in her recall election raised $2,000 in one day, according to a report filed Sunday with the Missouri Ethics Commission.

Carthage for Cossey was created September 25, according to the Ethics Commission documents with the $2,000 being contributed September 30, the last day of the filing period.

Carthage Citizens United, which has not filed its quarterly report at this writing (the deadline is Tuesday), contributed $1,000 to Cossey. 

The other contributions came from attorney Bill Lasley and George Goff, Carthage Citizens United treasurer, with each contributing $500.

The committee did not spend any money during the filing period.

The next report is due eight days before the election.


Anonymous said...

Much to the chagrin from those consumed with hate and their feeble attempts at a simple smear campaign against Mrs. Cossey, the support she has is unwavering. Mrs. Cossey continuing to stand strong in the face of the storm is nothing short of phenomenal and stating she should be commended is a colossal understatement.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? Along with breaking her signed contract stating in lieu of being censured, she would change her behavior, which she hasn’t, she’s broken ordinances and violated the sunshine law multiple times in council meetings and just last week she admitted to stealing campaign signs, which is illegal. Charges have been filed and she will be held accountable. She thinks she is untouchable. Her days of being in the spotlight are coming to an end. Then Chuck Bryant will no longer require her services.

Anonymous said...

It's stunning what the clown caucus has been up to.

All that missing golf money didn't steal itself!

Anonymous said...

That’s a lot of excitement (above) over ultimately one party giving her money to cover her signs, freeing her up to then pay her attorney fees. She likely complained to her attorney , Bill Lasley, in one of their daily talks. He’s a CCU donor and the attorney representing the CCU as they’re also being sued. So he tells Pat (George) Goff, (former CWEP board member, btw, and) his close friend who’s also the Treasurer of CCU they ought to cover her yard signs and media expenses. Basically one money grab to cover her expenses in fighting against the over 500 citizens who are rightfully trying to recall her. And again, she needs money to pay Lasley as he’s her own attorney in all this, too. It’s basically borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, though I hate to even use the names for that analogy for these people. Just transferring elite funds around to make sure everyone’s covered.

Anonymous said...

Chuck Bryant’s reign of complete control over Carthage comes to an end with Cossey gone! He has never done anything positive for this community and has his employees in constant fear for their livelihood. It’s disgusting.
Good riddance to both!

Anonymous said...

I pray very soon there is significant praise for the work Kirk Friesen and Bill Sheerer did to take down this dictatorship! How about a key to the city?!?!? Seriously, who in their right mind can disagree with the quality of character of Kirk Friesen and Bill Sheerer versus the crooked regime of Tiffany Cossey and Chuck Bryant along with Bill Putnam, Bill Lasley, and Mark Peterson. Thank god Carthage has woken up and is ready to make this right!

Anonymous said...

The best way to win stupid prizes is to play stupid games!

Anonymous said...

Once again, the elite controlling this community. Thank you to Kirk Friesen for calling these crooks on the carpet!

Anonymous said...

Sure, getting $1K from the guys who gave $1K to CCU to give to her really shows how loved she is

Anonymous said...

The character and integrity of Bill Sheerer and Kirk Friesen are above reproach. Everyone in Carthage knows they are pillars of the community and deserve “keys to the city” for the uncovering of this crooked enterprise made up of Bryant, Cossey, Putnam, Lasley, and Peterson. Carthage citizens have had enough of the controlling crowd of these and Lambeth, Crusa, and Patrick Scott. A new generation of leaders in Friesen and Hurlburt coupled with amazing city employees like Bill Smith, Abi Almandinger, and Micheal Miller will restore faith in leadership and integrity. Congratulations Carthage, stay the course, you are almost there!

Anonymous said...

It truly is comical how those again Cossey either have to try to entrap or bait her into something that can be spun out of context, or completely fabricate a false narrative altogether. Same goes for Mr. Bryant as well. He has done countless things for the city of Carthage as well as received the highest of accolades available in the industry. The lies being spewed about both have reached an entire new level of diabolical insanity. Too bad the charter prevents him from being a city manager too. Think of the windfall Carthage would have if Chuck could oversee the City as well as CWEP. The production and unity would be unprecedented.

Anonymous said...

See, here's possibly the best part, and it brings me great joy to admonish the Huey, Dewey, and Louie tandem of KF, KH, & BS, what makes you so sure that even if Cossey gets recalled, that she goes away? Sort of like Obi-Wan when he got struck down by Darth. You guys are great.

Anonymous said...

Lasley is a low life. Not surprised.

Anonymous said...

12:30 I am going to assume this is satire?

Anonymous said...

Lasley is a stand up guy, known him since I was a kid

Anonymous said...

There are no elites, not one person is any better than another

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, the Cick Cossey to the Curb campaign comes to a successful conclusion next month. I, for one, am looking forward to getting back to sensible government that moves the city forward and weeds out corruption at the same time. Like was stated previously, that money didn't steal itself.

Anonymous said...

Bahahahahahahahaha! I LOL'd for real with that one! Hey Keith, everybody likes a drink, buuuut nobody likes a drunk. That had to be you. And Kirk? A pillar??? Had a growth spurt but still has little man syndrome, and tries to intimidate women and the aging. And Sheerrerer...drives around in a golf cart with bullhorn. "The loudest one in the room is the weakest one inthe room."