Tuesday, December 11, 2007

An invitation to Cooper supporters

Rudi Keller in the Cape Girardeau Southeast Missourian writes that the barrage of letters urging leniency for disgraced Rep. Nathan Cooper, R-Cape Girardeau, actually amounted to 32.
Cooper's supporters were rewarded when a federal judge sentenced him to 15 months in prison for immigration fraud, far less than the government had asked.
In a typical good-old-boy network maneuver, the judge sealed the 32 letters, not allowing the public to see information it has every right to see. Which elected officials and other prominent, well-placed persons put pen to paper for Cooper?

Which people thought Cooper, a man who ran for re-election to the House, knowing full well he was likely headed to prison?

And why is there no indication in the record that the U. S. Attorney opposed this blanket grant of anonymity?

I offer space on The Turner Report to anyone who takes enough pride in his or her support for Cooper to share the letter with the readers of this blog.

For the letter-writers or anyone else with information, please e-mail me at rturner229@hotmail.com.

It's not too late to order a copy of The Turner Report book, a present for the Missouri political junkie. The book can be ordered at Amazon.com

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