Thursday, May 01, 2008

Daily keeps up on coverage of pastor accused in sex case

Though the Neosho Daily has occasional problems keeping up with the ebb and flow of everyday news, it has shown itself to be particularly adept when major stories hit.

In recent months, these have included disaster (ice storm and tornado) coverage, the Micronesian church murders, and the rape and murder of nine-year-old Rowan Ford.

The Daily has kept up with and often surpassed its competition (the Joplin Globe and the broadcast media) in its coverage of the more sensational stories, which are distasteful, but which must be done.

That includes the coverage of the arrest of Randall Danny Russell, the Neosho pastor who is charged with three felonies involving sex with an underage girl.

Managing Editor John Ford handled the coverage in today's edition, with much of the same information as other media, but also additional information reminding readers of the similar scandals involving church leaders Raymond Lambert and George Otis Johnston.

While watching KSN's coverage this morning, I noted that Newton County Sheriff Ken Copeland made a point that these people are not representative of the ministry. I would guess this is an angle that the Daily will be exploring in upcoming issues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once Big John Ford gets behind something, you can be assured that he won't let up until all the parties have been brought to justice.