Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Comment: Turner, your "investigative reporting" is petty gossip (and may save Bud Sexson's job)

A reader left this comment on the Turner Report post on the Joplin R-8 Board of Education's upcoming decision on whether to retain East Middle School Principal Bud Sexson.

Do you realize that your premature "scoop" on firing of middle school principal may have actually saved his job?
Yes, you were unfairly fired and treated like a criminal by the school district, and your 1st amendment rights were violated, in my opinion. Who could blame you for wanting to inflict some pain? But your incessant dabbling in investigative reporting - divorce notices, DUIs, unnamed sources galore - is starting to resemble petty gossip. There's more than enough of that flying around Joplin on any given day without you leading the parade. 

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