Monday, April 25, 2005

Webb City R-7 School District officials will permit Gay Pride t-shirts to be worn during the 2005-2006 school year.
In their motion to dismiss Webb City High School sophomore LaStaysha Myers' First Amendment civil suit against Superintendent Ron Lankford, Principal Steven Gollhofer and Assistant Principal Jeff Thornberry, the district officials said she was not entitled to a preliminary injunction because only 20 days are left in the school year and "barring any further disruptions, the district anticipates lifting limitations on such t-shirts for the 2005-2006 school year."
District officials said Miss Myers waiting six months to file her cause "undermines any contentions of irreparable harm."
They said their position in the t-shirt controversy has nothing to do with opinions on homosexuality, but that Miss Myers' beliefs "are outweighed by the district's responsibility to maintain a safe and orderly educational environment."
Diagnosis Murder fans can breathe easier.
Pax TV officials say they will not be going to an all-infomercial format as reported in various publications last week. The network will no longer produce original programming, but will continue to show reruns, according to today's Radio and TV Broadcasting Report.

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