Friday, August 18, 2006

Emery: Illegal immigrants who want a better way of life are plunderers

Rep. Ed Emery, R-Lamar, chairman of the Special Committee on Immigration Reform, no left doubt how he feels about those who have entered this country illegally, no matter what their purpose.
In his most recent column, posted on the Joplin Independent, Emery describes two types of illegal immigrants, those who come to do harm in this country (such as terrorists) and those who come for selfish purposes (such as to find a better way of life for themselves and their families):

"The alternate and ignoble purpose for invasion is plunder. Plunder violates the spirit of America and elevates personal gain above a sense of justice and fair play. It places self above community demonstrates a total absence of national loyalty or patriotic commitment. Plunder is usually associated with war, with the conqueror plundering the conquered. But that is not always the case; there are other types of invaders who enter a nation illegally and without loyalty or noble purpose toward that nation. These invade solely for personal gain without regard for the welfare or success of the country being invaded."

While we all agree that there is a serious illegal immigration problem in this country, limiting the scope of solving the problem to verbal attacks on those with so-called "selfish motives" is not going to do anything to solve the problem. America has always been a beacon of light to those who want to better their lives. Dealing with this issue by limiting the solution to the illegal immigrants is not going to solve the problem. Our big business-oriented legislators need to look at the companies that have thrived on illegal immigrants. Selfish motives abound in that area, too.


Seth said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

which way do you want it, Ran-demo, is Emery a selfish business-oriented legislator who wants companies to prosper on the back of illegals or is he trying to stop crime in America - at what you see as being at the expense of business?

You speak out of both sides of your day local republicans are the puppets of big business and the next day they want to stop illegal immigration and cut the throat of the evil businessmen.

Take a stand and stick to it....or be a typical outsider who has no stand...just test the winds each day and criticize and have no plan of your own.

Randy said...

The biggest problem with the special committee on illegal immigration is that it spent more time preaching than listening, if reports on its activities have been accurate. The last commenter's mistake, and it is a common one, is that he or she seems to believe that you can fit all Republicans into one mold, or all Democrats. That's not the case. While most of them stick with the same basic set of beliefs on the issues, nearly all of them have one or two on which they hold major or minor disagreements with their colleagues. Ed Emery has always been a legislator who puts his beliefs on social issues ahead of his beliefs on business issues. It appears to me that is what is happening with the special committee. He has colleagues who would never let a social issue stand in the way of protecting big business. I might add there are Democrats who fall into the same categories. Each individual is unique.
As for your ill-informed comment that "you speak out of both sides of your mouth," if you will check my writing you will see it is consistent. I write about the effect special interests have on our politicians and the legislation they produce. This happens on both sides of the aisle, but in Missouri, at the moment, the state house and the governor's mansion are dominated by the Republican party and there are no Democratic legislators in this area, so naturally, more of my writing is going to center on the Republican party.
You can feel free to disagree with what I write; that's what makes America great. I just appreciate the fact that you keep reading it.