Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Will column focuses on Missouri Senate race

Missouri's U. S. Senate race between incumbent Republican Jim Talent and Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill was featured on two national venues today,
A nine-minute news story was included on PBS' News Hour with Jim Lehrer, while the race was also spotlighted in syndicated columnist George Will's latest offering.

Among the items in the Will column were these:

In 2002, President Bush made five trips to Missouri on his behalf. This year, Talent, like most Republican candidates, is stressing his independence, but Bush is coming Sept. 8 for a third visit anyway.

She will carry the St. Louis and Kansas City metropolitan areas, which cast 57 percent of Missouri's votes. To win, however, she must prevent huge Talent majorities in what she calls ``Ashcroftland'' -- rural and very religious areas, especially southwest Missouri, which sent John Ashcroft to the Senate to replace Republican Jack Danforth when he retired in 1994 after three terms.

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