Saturday, July 12, 2008

Blunt: Koster antics show why campaign contribution limits needed to be repealed

On Thursday, Gov. Matt Blunt signed legislation removing all campaign contribution limits and apparently, judging from his quotes the bogeyman of both Republicans and Democrats, attorney general candidate Chris Koster, D-Harrisonville, is the reason this legislation was needed:

The Associated Press reported earlier this week that Democratic attorney general candidate Chris Koster has gone so far as to have his paid campaign staff personally coordinate, shuttle and flip checks among several committees to get the money to him. Koster contends that practice is typical and legal under Missouri Ethics Commission interpretations, though a former campaign staffer has expressed concerns that it may violate the law.

Koster is among those who supported a repeal of the contribution limits.

Blunt said Koster's fundraising scenario "undermines the confidence in the process" and highlights the reason why the limits should be repealed.

"As I've said before when I signed similar legislation, I think that provides a more transparent process to Missourians as to who is funding campaigns," Blunt said.

What a bunch of nonsense!

The governor and others who supported the repeal of campaign contribution limits have tried to spin this so people would think there were only two choices open to the legislature- either they repeal contribution limits or things stayed the way they were with the committee laundering system.

The General Assembly also had the option of leaving campaign contribution limits in place, as Missourians have clearly indicated they preferred, and fixing the laundry. Of course, that would have kept the big bucks out of their campaigns so that was never considered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's funny how a Republican is coming out against a so called republican for using their same tactics against them. You can't have your cake and eat it too OTB.

While you're at it, can you get somebody in the Republican party to explain to us why none of Jeff Roe's campaigns that he advises pays him for his services? Are we supposed to believe that he does all his work for free, yet even if his funding were cut he could operate until 2010?