Rohr issued the following message on his Facebook page:
Thank you for all those who have offered me support over the last week. I have been working on compiling information on the extensive corruption afoot in Joplin's government. I will be conveying the information in the near future. Stay tuned and thank you again.
The Turner Report does not cover the world, but at times it runs circles around the Globe. Please consider taking a voluntary subscription and help Joplin's alternative news source continue to grow.

Yeah right, there was/is corruption and Rohr was smack dab in the middle of all of it. Give me a break.
If Rohr’s list relates to ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED BEFORE HIS TERMINATION, then he IS guilty of malfeasance and, in my opinion, dishonesty in his job by not bringing this to light previously.
Markie, Markie, Markie, look in the mirror, truly evaluate the type of person you really are, and you will understand why you were fired.
From a ghost of your past.
This smacks of revenge. Eating his cake in three, two, one...
So the corruption didn't matter as long as Rohr was getting a paycheck--NOW he's a beacon of truth and justice?!?! Give me a break.
I wonder is Mark knows he's cutting his own throat now coming forward with corruption disclosures. It doesn't bode well in the minds of his next employer.
I wonder if he will admit to firing people because he or someone on the Council did not like them.
Does domestic violence count as widespread corruption?
just release the 10 pages about you because the investigator already compiled it for us. he just couldn't release it because you would sue but you can
still attempting to be a bully even after being fired for that exact reason....the 4 that voted for him to stay should resign when everything is exposed
oops-no one is supposed to know this.....
the corruption starts at the globe and carol stark. the globe is in a position to be bought out by the downtown renovation that rohr was working on and now that is in jeopardy. the plan is for taxpayers to pay for the buyout and the globe to relocate to a newer and bigger facility. that is why the globe is so mad.
The arrogance of this man rivals Rob Ford the Toronto mayor and Archie Dunn. The city fired him and now he is going to bring the city down. What a joke. Does he ever expect to find another job as a public official? These vindictive, bullying antics are probably what got him fired. This is the way he operates. Cross me and I will bring you down.
I would like to see a private investigation to see if the globe building buyout for the downtown renovation is the driving force for the globe's worship of Rohr. That could be the extensive corruption Rohr is talking about.
Why not report whatever extensive corruption Rohr claims to know about to the proper authorities?
The people of Piqua,Ohio congratulate Joplin on ridding yourselves of this tyrant...same tricks he played here!
Mr.Tour knew of wide spread corruption on the city council but didn't go to the police about it, that makes him a Co conspirator. The defenders of Rohr are upset because the investigator did a good job of connecting the dots and following the trail where ever it lead. I believe it was money well spent if the results are a cleaner government.
It is easy to bad mouth someone when you are Anonymous............
Be proud of your comments. Or don't do it.
Said 6:30 Anonymous.
First let me just say to david said...that is so awesome that you said that to 6:30..I had thought the exact same thing! Back to topic, so whats the Ohio thing? Did he get let go there too? And it seems whenever anyone in Joplin gets an attitude of a bulling nature they are let go..Speck, Rohr. There are so, so many people that believe Huff is a bully, wonder if he would be next? And on the Globe/Rohr thing..I would love to hear more details on that!
If Rohr wants to expose the corruption and continue to right all wrongs, I ask that he at least be public about the mistakes he has made including his dealings with Wallace-Bajjali, why was no one else from the city involved with the deals being made? The vast turnover with department heads, aside from the airport, every department within the city has turned over its chairperson at least once, if not twice, some three times? What about the suicide of the HR director? The retirement of the police chief? The timing of all this, his retirement, right after being named the Missouri Chief of the Year, smells of conspiracy. His refusal to cooperate with the Loraine Report and the refusal of a former police officer and now the Police Chief of Seneca, what did they both know and refuse to cooperate? Something tells me both officers and a physician at Freeman know what Rohr did to his wife and they are covering it up. Why? Were they paid off? Were they promised part of the dividends of the dealings with Wallace-Bajjali? Something is not right in all this, too many questions, not enough answers.
I will again ask the same questions that have been ask and never answered since the tornado.
1) what was the total amount received for Joplin Tornado victims?
2) what is the total now?
3) who has had access to that money?
4) any funds spent, itemized report because it didn't go to the victims
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