Sunday, August 17, 2014

C. J. Huff makes secretive move to take administrative pay out of school board's hands

With no work session scheduled for the Tuesday meeting of the Joplin R-8 Board of Education, Superintendent C. J. Huff and his Chief Operations Officer, Tina Smith, are making a secretive power move that could cut the school board out of the loop when it comes to making decisions about them and their salaries and fringe benefits.

The move would also take control of the hiring of all support personnel out of the hands of the elected school board and put it in the hands of C. J. Huff.

The changes are buried in items in the board's consent agenda- which is supposed to be minor items that do not need any discussion. It has become a place where Huff buries items that he does not want to be discussed during the televised board meeting.

One such item was the approval of $8 million in long-term financing to cover the district's "might-as-well" spending spree that included artificial turf, press boxes, lights for all fields, four extra tennis courts, and a track. If the item had not been questioned by board member Debbie Fort, the public might have been deprived of most or all of the information about the financing.

The updating of the policies, board members were told during the July 22 meeting, is a necessity that had been put off since the May 22, 2011 tornado.

It appears to be more of an effort by C. J. Huff to put all of the power in his own hands.

In the board policy governing "School Board Powers and Duties," the following change is recommended:

A passage reading "The board is responsible for employing the professional and support staff necessary for carrying out the district's instructional program was changed to eliminate the words "and support staff." That would effectively cut the board out of the loop as far as having a say in the employment of bus drivers, secretaries, cafeteria workers, and others who do not have teaching certificates.

While the board would continue to maintain control over the faculty salary schedule, it would be hands off as far as Huff's administrative team is concerned under changes proposed by Huff and Smith.

A paragraph in the "Professional Staff Salary Schedule" that reads "The board will annually determine the salaries for the administrative staff," has been totally eliminated.

Huff's power grab extends to decisions involving teachers' extra duty pay and it will not be to the benefit of the teachers. Eliminated from the "Professional Staff Extra Duty" policy is the following paragraph:

"Extra duty assignments which make major demands on a teacher's time shall be compensated in accordance with an extra duty allowance salary schedule established annually by the Board." Another part which says the superintendent will make a list of such teachers and submit to the board for its approval is also stricken from the policy.

In the policy for "Support Staff Recruiting and Hiring," Huff takes the people's representatives, the Board of Education, completely out of the equation by eliminating the following passage:

"The superintendent will make recommendations for employment of support staff members for Board's approval. The board will employ personnel in accordance with law."

Now the board will not have to worry about that. The only law will be C. J. Huff.

(Later today- The reason for C. J. Huff's move to remove hiring and firing of support workers from the R-8 Board of Education)


Anonymous said...

Now that Tina Smith holds that very important title of Chief Operating Officer of Joplin R-8, Huff and Smith need to justify hiring a new HR director to replace her. That person will undoubtedly report to Smith so she can still have control over HR and also to give her something to do. It's amazing how the district ever got along before Smith ballooned the HR department from one person (herself) to the size it is now. Even more amazing is how the district ever functioned before we had a C.O.O. and all the executive directors.

I hope the Board finally wakes up and sees that Huff is trying to take all their power away. I'm not sure why since they go along with everything he wants anyway.

Anonymous said...

At this point why have a board if the head of it is so post hungry? I don't see why they don't FIRE CJ? He is nothing but selfish and greedy

Anonymous said...

This is dangerous! Joplin needs a REAL HERO now! Debbie Fort and Jim Kimbrough please put a stop to this abuse of power. The School Board does not work for Dr. Huff and team; it is the other way around and the board needs to take back control. You were elected by the voters to represent us and protect the best interests of this district. You were not elected to sit mute and allow this administration to run the district into the ground.

Anonymous said...

The board needs to send Huff and the directors to Elba!

Anonymous said...

Now that this item is no longer buried in the consent agenda, the school board has a unique opportunity to send Huff a clear message that the tail does not get to wag the dog. If they don't stop him on this latest power grab attempt, the next meeting will probably have a change buried in it that reads "only the superintendent has the power to set his salary and/or fire himself or any of his lackeys."

Anonymous said...

I hope this timid little rubber stamp BOE will finally speak up. I don't care how the administration tries to couch this move, Huff is asking the BOE to voluntarily divest itself of their basic duties as public servants. Wake up!
Exactly how paranoid is this administration? And exactly how dumb is this BOE? I guess we'll find out.

Anonymous said...

What surprises me most about this move is the brazenness of the administration in presenting it. How paranoid do you have to be to ask a school board to voluntarily surrender its power of the purse regarding salaries and hiring of employees?
If these policy changes pass, the board should just disband. They will have proven themselves completely inept once and for all.

Anonymous said...

(Later today- The reason for C. J. Huff's move to remove hiring and firing of support workers from the R-8 Board of Education)

Contracting out "non-essential" work to "save" money?

Anonymous said...

This is how they've been doing this--and no one would listen!
They've been changing things without anyone realizing what's going on. No transparency, no honesty.
And the board that is supposed to be working for us and the kids has just let it all happen without any question.
Joplin R8 is an embarassing mess.

Anonymous said...

They've been wanting to contract out for years. Since before the tornado. Bottom line, they don't care about people.