Monday, March 16, 2020

City of Neosho cancels all events at Civic Auditorium, Lampo Center, Golf Course Club House

(From the City of Neosho)

The City of Neosho will be abiding by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines of limiting public events for groups of 50 or more through April 6, 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

All events scheduled at the Neosho Civic Auditorium, Neosho Lampo Center and the Neosho Golf Course Club House and Conference Room will be canceled, and fees will be refunded.

The cancellation period will also include large events hosted by the Neosho Parks Department and actual golf play at the Neosho Municipal Golf Course.

The action comes following the recommendation of the federal government and is endorsed by Missouri Gov. Mike Parson. If possible, the City of Neosho will be willing to work with event organizers to reschedule for later dates.

“The City of Neosho understands that these measures may cause hardship for some organizations and we do not take these decisions lightly,” said City Manager David Kennedy. “The overall health and safety of our community and our city employees must always take precedence when making difficult decisions. The situation will be evaluated throughout this period and as we near the end of the cancellation period, the City of Neosho will adjust accordingly.”

For more information about Neosho Civic Auditorium, Lampo Center or Golf Course Club House cancellations, please contact Public Relations/Events Coordinator Tim Cox at 417-451-8050 For information about Neosho City Parks, contact Parks Superintendent Clint Dalbom at 417-451-8050 For Information about the Neosho Municipal Golf contact Golf Course Manager Kyler Snow, 417-312-1148

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