Monday, March 16, 2020

Highway Patrol: Do not take driver examinations if you have been exposed to COVID-19 or have undiagnosed symptoms

(From the Missouri State Highway Patrol)

Colonel Eric T. Olson, Superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, requests that members of the public refrain from taking a written or skills-based driver examination if:

· you, a member of your household, a family member, or other personal acquaintance, have been diagnosed with COVID-19;

· you have had contact with any person diagnosed with, or suspected of having, COVID-19;

· a medical professional, hospital staff member, or other health agency representative has asked you to self-quarantine; or

· you have an undiagnosed fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptom associated with COVID-19 or another upper respiratory infection.

If you are unsure about whether you meet any of these criteria, please postpone seeking a driver examination and return at a later date.

This request is based on the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that are designed to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Missouri State Highway Patrol appreciates the public’s cooperation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” January 22