Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Neosho City Hall closed to public until further notice

(From the City of Neosho)

The City of Neosho will restrict public access to the Neosho City Hall effective immediately and until further notice in response to the CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Schools, Workplaces and Community Locations guidelines…/…

Although City Hall operations will continue with reduced staff, those citizens that require business critical engagement with the City of Neosho may do so by calling Neosho City Hall at 417-451-8050 to coordinate their needs with the appropriate department.

Requests for permits, licenses and water turn-on applications will be accepted via phone or can be completed online as available.

Forms and paperwork necessary for completion of citizen and business requirements will be expedited and appointments may be made as necessary to complete any needed arrangements.

City Hall will be staffed, though at a reduced number, during regular business hours Monday-Friday, 8AM-4:30PM and will be accessible via phone 417-451-8050 to answer questions and direct all calls to the appropriate city department or staff member.

The City of Neosho recognizes that the current emergency facing our community, state and nation is challenging. However, the primary focus for the City of Neosho is to continue the operations of the City in as normal an environment as the situations will allow, all the while maintaining the health, wellness and safety of our employees as well as our citizens at large.

The City of Neosho appreciates your support and your cooperation as we face these challenges together.

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