Sunday, March 15, 2020

Newton County Health Department: We want everyone to be prepared, but we don't want people to panic

(From the Newton County Health Department)

In addition to protecting our physical health, we want to make sure that we are also protecting our mental health. Both go hand in hand and stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on your physical health, especially your immune system.

While we want everyone to be prepared, we don’t want people to panic. Panic is not preparedness. 

We want to remember that public cancellations of events and closings of public places are ways that we can slow the infectious process and spread of COVID-19.

Although, this can be alarming and concerning, these are positive things that organizations and schools are doing to help ensure the well being of our community.

We commend everyone who has had to make these difficult decisions. 

These choices will help and are not done to cause panic and fear. Some people and especially children may be confused and afraid during this time and it is important that they be able to express that fear. We all need to have time “away” from the stress of this situation. 

So please take time out to rest and rejuvenate your minds as well as your bodies. Stay safe and healthy!


Steve Holmes said...

This is the best message I've seen on the situation. It conveyed the seriousness of the situation in a straightforward way without invoking panic. They're the first ones to address the mental-health aspect, that people are scared, and advising people to chill out as much as possible. Well done, Newton County.

Anonymous said...

I agree- this is the type of advice people need. It helps people help themselves and by helping themselves they help society by helping themselves.

Anonymous said...

If only this level of intelligence and eloquence could go viral. Well done.

Anonymous said...

@ 702: With Trump as President and the entire Republican party as his merry brand of mango-nosed @$$ki$$ers bringing up the rear you know that won't happen.