Monday, March 23, 2020

Springfield Police Department announces new procedures due to COVID-19

(From the Springfield Police Department)

In the best interest of the health and safety of our community, the Springfield Police Department would like to announce changes in our procedures for police services and police response.

Officers remain on patrol and will continue to respond to calls for service. However, in compliance with personal distance guidelines, people who are able, will be asked to meet officers outside of their residence/business and maintain a minimum distance of six feet from the officer during the interaction.

When you request police services, dispatchers may ask additional questions to determine the appropriate level of police response.

Each incident will be evaluated by the telecommunicators, police supervisors, and responding officers to determine the type of police response you may receive. You may be directed to call information into the police department, an officer may contact you by telephone or you may be instructed to complete an online report.

These efforts are implemented to limit contact as much as possible while still providing police service and maintaining a healthy community and department and following updated health guidelines.

Questions may be directed to our non-emergency phone line (417) 864-1810 and reports can be made online through this link.

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