Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Why the hell is it so hard to get a COVID-19 test? A Jasper County woman tells her story

Over the past few weeks, I have been contacted by one person after another who has expressed concerns about problems they have encountered while trying to get COVID-19 tests for themselves or for loved ones.

While national, state and local officials have told us time after time that tests are available for anyone who needs them, that does not appear to be the case.

Several weeks ago, we learned that former Lamar R-1 Superintendent Dennis Wilson died of COVID-19 after running into problems getting tested. His wife could not get a test for more than two weeks even though she had been with someone who died from the virus.

Finally by going through some unorthodox channels, she was able to get tested and as it turned out she had the coronavirus.

Thankfully, she has recovered- from the virus at least, but it will be considerably longer before the recovery process from the trauma she had to go through with her situation and her husband's tragic passing.

A few minutes ago, I received a Facebook message from a Jasper County woman who told a similar story to what I have heard from others, but expressed her situation and her frustration in such a way, I asked her if I could share the story without sharing her name. She graciously consented.

Hello Mr. Turner,

I had an experience trying to get my husband tested for COVID and I think that the information I found needs to be made public.

My husband is showing a few symptoms of COVID, so we want to get him tested.

We contacted our primary care doctor yesterday. We were told to contact 1000 Oaks Testing Center.
We were instructed to go to the COVID testing website to receive a referral number to present at the testing site.

He filled out the questionnaire, qualified for testing, and the website said that we needed to visit the Pineville location.

We attempted this several times using all three of Joplin's zip codes, Oronogo and Webb City. All said to go to Pineville for testing. 

Today, I called the Freeman COVID hotline. 

I received a voice-mail message from Memorial Day saying they would reopen on Tuesday the 26 of May. Then it said to call back during regular business hours. (This was 9 a.m. this morning)

I called the Freeman switchboard five times (I was disconnected from the COVID line every time I was transferred.)

I finally reached a person.

They informed me that the 1000 Oaks testing facility was a joint effort made by Freeman and Mercy and that testing site was permanently closed.

I was told to contact Walmart on 7th Street.

Walmart on 7th Street had no idea why I would be sent to Pineville, but they did inform mee that they test Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7am-9am only.

They told me to contact Ozark Center for Health in Carthage. 

The OCH informed me that they were not able to test. They were completely out of COVID tests and did not know when they would be receiving more. 

As of now, in this area, there is a possibility of a test on Friday morning at the 7th Street location, but that people have already been reserving times for then, so if you don't get in to be tested then, there's not a good chance that you will be be tested until next week.

I asked about emergency rooms and urgent care.

They told me that they were not aware if there was testing available in those places or not.

Concerning mixed messages. I think that this information is important. 

I keep hearing touts of more available testing, but apparently it's impossible to get.

With the novel coronavirus cases spiking in this area and in many areas across the United States, it is vital that tests be available to anyone who feels he or she needs to be tested.

How many people may have had the virus, been exposed to someone who had the virus or in the worst case scenario, how many people were never tested and are no longer with us.

I am not trying to cast blame on any of our local health providers. Unfortunately, they are playing with the hand they were dealt.

The problem lies with our leaders at the state and national levels.


Anonymous said...

My son was very sick with puking and diarrhea. He called hospital to see what the rules were about coming in to get tested and told them what his symptoms were. He was told it was probably just a stomach virus going around and he finally got tested, he didn't get the results for back for a week but he tested positive. 12 days later his one yr old daughter gets the same symptoms puking and diarrhea and he was told she probably doesn't have it's likely a stomach virus. Now they said this after he told them he tested positive

Hyacinth said...

I am angry that we are at the mercy of people who don't have the public's interest at heart. It is political and the man at the top of this shit heap is sending us the message that testing is unnecessary while medical people say that it is. I was in Joplin yesterday and businesses are making every effort to keep their customers and themselves safe, but without support from above why would they keep putting up the massive effort? Every single person who wants and needs to be tested should be able to get the swab and get it done and either submitted to a local lab or mailed. I am a registered nurse for almost 35 years and I have not seen anything like this in my career.

Anonymous said...

Start contacting our elected officials - Blunt, Hawley, Long, and Parson. Kudos to Randy for reporting the truth, as always!