Monday, June 17, 2024

Sarcoxie Mayor: We're closing the fire department

In a message posted on the City of Sarcoxie's Facebook page today, Mayor Debbie Royce announced that the Sarcoxie Fire Department is being shut down temporarily.

Royce said the department is in disarray and most of the equipment is "either out of date or unusable."

The message is printed below:

Dear Fellow Citizens:

Since taking office as Mayor, the city fire department has been in disarray. Not only is there an inadequate number of volunteers, but most of the equipment is either out of date or unusable. After many discussions and with concern for the safety of our firefighters, the Aldermen and I have decided to close the city fire department temporarily.

We have applied for grants to buy the equipment needed and we are looking for others. We are hoping that we will be able to have the monies to replace the equipment in six (6) months. At that time, we will be looking for twenty (20) able-bodied men and women who will be willing to serve the fire department as volunteers.

In the meantime, the Sarcoxie Rural Fire Department has agreed to cover our city for fire and medical calls.

Debbie Royce

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a terrible situation for a small town rural fire department to close. Why hasn't the current Mayor and Council, tried a tax / bond request, to raise money to help keep this fire department and its equipment updated? When a disaster happens it is to late to wish it was available.