Sunday, October 21, 2007

KOMU: Democrats refuse to comment on Graham arrest

Columbia television station KOMU reports Democrats are not making any comments on Saturday night's DWI arrest of Sen. Chuck Graham, D-Columbia:

Republican Majority leader Charlie Shields said of the arrest "Obviously this would be an unfortunate incident, however it's one, as the senate, we'd let the courts and the legal system address. Certainly in the history of the legislature there's been cases like this and from time to time these things happen, we don't like to see it, it's a bad reflection of the institution, but ultimately we let the legal system deal with it."

KOMU tried to contact Senator Graham and several members of the Democratic party but no one would comment on the incident.

We also scheduled an interview with a couple who says they were the driver and passenger of the van Graham's car hit.

They later decided not to go on camera, but in a phone conversation they did say the accident was more than a fender bender, the front of Graham's car was smashed and Graham's airbags went off.

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