Sunday, May 04, 2008

Lobbyist Blunts spend no money in March

Brother-sister lobbyists Andrew Blunt and Amy Blunt spent no money on behalf of their clients in March, according to reports posted on the Missouri Ethics Commission website.

Andrew Blunt continues a remarkable streak that has not seen him spend a cent for his clients since his brother became governor in January 2005.

Amy Blunt only recently registered to return to lobbying duties in the state after a long hiatus.


Anonymous said...

Randy, this seems to be a personal foible of yours. Can you please...PLEASE explain to us what you think Andrew Blunt has done wrong?

Randy said...

Some lobbyists ply elected officials with food, drink, entertainment tickets, travel, etc., while others, like Andrew Blunt use their close relationship to people in power. Whichever method it may be, it still gives special interests far more access to elected officials than the rest of us.

Tom Hanna said...

Is Blunt registered as a lobbyist because he is an active lobbyist or because, as the brother of the governor and with his firm's clients interested in state legislation, he's trying to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. If it's the second, which his lack of spending seems to imply, then taking him to task constantly for trying to be above board seems pointless at best, counterproductive at worst.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Tom a little here. We all know politicians don't live in a vacuum. There will always be people who influence them - just like ALL of us have people of influence in our lives.
By virtue of blood, it's probably pretty safe to assume his brother would be one of those people. I'd be much more suspicious of those who ply him with food & drink than of a relative.
It's almost like you are saying "Look! Our governor is being influenced by others!" Of course he is. Who - in or out of politics - isn't?