Monday, July 07, 2008

News-Leader editorial: Blunt's a hypocrite

Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt is a hypocrite and he's not the only one serving Missouri in the U. S. House of Representatives, according to an editorial in today's Springfield News-Leader.

The accusation is made in connection with the refusal of Blunt and fellow Congress members Kenny Hulshof, Sam Graves, and JoAnn Emerson to reveal the ethnic makeup of their staffs:

Congress has enacted legislation requiring racial hiring data be kept and reported by many entities, including big businesses, federal contractors and local and state governments.

Part of the reason is that it can help deter discrimination.

But Congress has exempted itself from the reporting requirement.

And four Missouri lawmakers have declined to voluntarily release the racial makeup of their staffs.

It's like pronouncing "Do as I say and not as I hire."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is a novel concept for EVERYONE. How about hiring someone based on their capability and not their ethnicity or gender? Crazy, I know. But I DID think we were all supposed to be color blind, after all. Oh, except when it comes to jobs and benefits, you say?

Talk about hypocrisy.