Friday, July 11, 2008

Rogers: GateHouse not talking about selling Neosho Daily or Carthage Press

The plummeting stock price of GateHouse Media has led to speculation that some of the company's properties might be sold (and three newspapers in Colorado were sold this week).
Neosho Daily News Publisher Rick Rogers told Neosho Forums this morning that there is no talk of selling the Neosho Daily News or any of the other GateHouse properties in southwest Missouri, including The Carthage Press, Big Nickel, Neosho Post, Greenfield Vedette, and Aurora Advertiser:

I know a lot of attention has been brought to the stock price of GateHouse Media on certain Web sites, but that situation has little, if any, affect on the day-to-day operations of this newspaper.

If you will notice, stock prices for all newspaper chains in the U.S. are down, as well as media chains in broadcasting.

And, well, the stock market in general is down.

I wonder if those same assurances will be provided on the pages of the Neosho Daily News. As for the sale of southwest Missouri newspapers, while it is unlikely, my guess is if those discussions were going on now, Rogers would not be in the loop. And that is a not a knock against him. That's just the way these companies operate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rogers is privy to some inside GateHouse info, but at other times the company chooses to keep him in the dark. Basically, GateHouse tells him on a need to know basis. He does know far more than his counterpart in Carthage.