Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Jay Nixon: Angie Besendorfer is wonderful

Jay Nixon is lucky he is not running for anything this year.


Anonymous said...

I will never support Nixon again. He's made a fool of himself with his support of the Huff/Besendorfer regime (and yes, he's fully aware of what has happened in Joplin), and yet he supports them instead of admitting that he heaped empty praise and resources that were wasted on this pair. Wonder what the cost will be, eventually?

Anonymous said...

Please, Governor, define "wonderful" for us. She's wonderful if your definition of that is running off a third of the staff in two years, driving down academic accomplishment, and bankrupting a district. Wonderful...

Anonymous said...

I wonder what political favors went on to get this endorsement. Or coercions. Shameful on Nixon's part. He must not be planning on running for anything again to tie himself to this group of swindlers.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful at creating a spy network.You have to wonder if the network is nervous now knowing they have to depend on Huff to justify their jobs. Talk about hanging on to a fraying rope! They probably better not wait too long to be looking for a new rat's nest to join. Joplin is in a housecleaning mood.