Thursday, March 19, 2020

Springfield-Greene County Health Department announces two more confirmed cases of COVID-19

(From the Springfield-Greene County Health Department)

The Springfield-Greene County Health Department today announces the fifth and sixth confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Greene County.

About our cases

To protect the patients’ right to privacy, identifying information will not be provided. As part of the regular practice of disease investigation, the Health Department will notify people who have had close contact with the patients and should be in quarantine.

Our fifth case is a known household contact of our third case. Our sixth case had a domestic travel history to an impacted area. Both had been voluntarily self-quarantining and were not a risk to general community spread. 

Health Department staff are working with public health system partners to determine any close contacts of individuals who were possibly exposed. 

If so, health officials will provide guidance to these individuals and monitor them closely for the development of symptoms.

More about French traveler activities

Working in concert with the Christian County Health Department, we are updating the timeline of potential COVID-19 exposure to reflect that the travelers visited Lambert's Café in Ozark.

On Thursday, March 5, the international travelers and our fourth case had lunch in the upstairs area of Bruno’s Italian Restaurant. They then shopped at Branson Landing and had dinner at Lambert's Café in Ozark.

On Friday, March 6, the international travelers had breakfast at Hemingway’s and shopped at Bass Pro.

On Thursday, March 12, our case had a dinner meeting in a private room at Ocean Zen.

On Friday, March 13, our case had lunch at Big Biscuit on South Campbell.

People who were at these locations on these dates are at low risk for contracting COVID-19, but should monitor for symptoms. There is no need to self-quarantine or isolate unless symptoms develop.

Although there are rumors to the contrary, all involved patients report not going to church services during this timeframe.

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