Monday, April 20, 2020

Stay-at-home order protester- I'm going to Jefferson City Tuesday and I'm taking the kids

The Reopen Missouri Facebook page is full of folks who are eager to hit the road for Jefferson City Tuesday to participate in a protest of Gov. Mike Parson's statewide stay-at-home order.

While there was no mention of picnic baskets, at least one woman plans on bringing the kids.

"I asked mine if they'd like to go and they were excited" a mother said.

Whatever you do, one member warned, don't allow yourself to be tested for COVID-19 after the protest because if your test comes back positive, you are just giving the media what they want.

Some of the comments (those from the group members are in italic, my responses aren't.)

What’s y’all’s opinion on bringing firearms to the event? I’m hoping mostly everyone, regardless of political views would be happy to see that We The People will be armed to enforce our stance on the issues.

And of course you could always shoot that evil COVID-19 varmint if it rears its ugly head.

This is a question that just popped into my head... Does anyone else think that Trump wants us to protest the "Stay at home order"

It just popped in your head? Didn't "Liberate Minnesota" give you a clue?

Anybody a little more, than usual, inclined to buy a new gun?

I just ordered 200 rds in .308 does that count?

This is probably in case they run into Pistol Packin' Parson.

Make him one term Mike!

Last I recall, Parson was not even elected to one term. Eric Greitens, now that was a governor who knew how to handle a gun and a hair stylist, too, if I recall.

Just an FYI for anyone watching the protest in KC they’re mocking how few people are there. Hardly any positive comments on the video. We have to show up and in BIG numbers!

There was a good reason for that, according to the next commenter.

There controlling post on fb wouldn’t let me reply only the neg ones showing up unbrainwash yourself kc

That explains it. They are probably the ones responsible for misspelling the words, too.

And then there were the posts from those wondering what to put on their signs. One suggested leaving President Trump off signs because the media (the evil media) would use it against them.

Why leave out trump? That's all this was ever about. Some people hate Trump so much they decided to cause a depression.

I Need a Hair Cut

Stay home, ruin the economy

Stop being a Commie, open the Economy

Corona didn't kill the Constitution

I can wear my Trump stuff if I want to. Since when is it Not ok to support your President. Don't tell me what I can or can't say or wear

Well, O. K., but you are going to have write really small to get that on the sign.


Anonymous said...

They have the freedom to act as they choose, but just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.
I am concerned about the economy, but also about all the people and families who have died.
We should use common sense, unfortunately some people have none.

Anonymous said...

I checked out that page. In all the anger, rebellion and blame, not any of it directed toward Trump. I didn’t see any mention of how he spent the whole month of February lying to us about the virus and doing nothing to prepare for it.

I didn’t realize how many people believe all the wacko conspiracy theories. It explains so much, sadly.

Anonymous said...

He was briefed IN NOVEMBER!