Monday, May 11, 2020

Only one Newton County COVID-19 case in isolation, three people in quarantine

(From the Newton County Health Department)

The Newton County Health Department would like to give an update for the COVID-19 cases identified in the county.

There have been a total of 12 cases of lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases for Newton County. 

Currently, only one remains in isolation. We have followed a total of 44 contacts and 41 have been released from quarantine. We are currently monitoring 3 in quarantine. 

Please continue to do your part and maintain a six foot distance between other people and continue to protect yourself with frequent hand washing, cleaning of frequently touched surfaces, and do not touch your mouth, nose, or eyes with unclean hands. 

Please stay home when ill. Contact your provider if you need to seek medical attention. Keep safe and healthy!

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