Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Still no COVID-19 cases in Barton County, no tests pending

(From the Barton County Health Department)

As of 5:00 pm today, May 13, 2020: NO positive COVID-19 cases have been reported in Barton County, Missouri. A total of 104 residents have been tested. All have returned Negative. The Health Department has not received any tests that are pending.


Anonymous said...

It WILL happen. Very few people practice social distancing or wear masks when they're out.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else wonder why? I’m so curious as to why Barton County has zero cases.

Anonymous said...

Last fall/winter Barton County residents experienced a "beast of a virus" as it was called. All the symptoms of influenza A or B but tests were negative. There is a widespread belief that they already had the virus throughout that county.