Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Webb City High School announces plans for prom- social distancing guidelines to be followed

Webb City High School Administration posted the following announcement for students and parents:

We have rescheduled prom for June 13 at the Roxie/Amelie Event Center in Joplin.

The dance will begin at 8 p.m. and the evening will conclude at 11 p.m.

Students will not be charged for entry, but they must fill out the Google form e-mailed to them in order to attend.

The senior walk is scheduled at Cardinal Stadium for 7 p.m. with the lineup beginning at 6:30 p.m. A Google form will be sent out soon to sign up.

As we have stated previously, we are continuing to follow local and state recommendations for gatherings and social distancing.

A decision will be made one week prior to June 13, as to whether or not we will host the event.

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