Saturday, November 20, 2021

Who are the people who can use Joplin R-8 credit cards and how many of them are there?

One of the items on the consent agenda for the 6 p.m. Tuesday meeting of the Joplin R-8 Board of Education is approval of the personnel who hold district credit cards.

Since that is a matter that is on the consent agenda (items that are voted on, but not discussed) and since most people don't spend their time looking at documentation for the monthly meetings, it interested me and I thought it might interest some of you.

According to the documentation, the credit cards can be used for "business and professional development travel, athletic team travel, employee background checks and fingerprinting and necessary purchases from vendors who will not accept a traditional purchase order."

United Missouri Bank credit cards are held by the following administrators:

Dr. Melinda Moss, superintendent
Dr. Kerry Sachetta, assistant superintendent/operations
Sarah Mwangi assistant superintendent/learning services
Sandra Cantwell, director of student services
Matt Hiatt, director of athletics
Justin Crawford, director of educational support and human resources

The officials who hold the credit cards are required to sign an agreement saying the cards will only be used for "appropriate business purposes, adhering to Board of Education purchasing policies and procedures."

All credit card statements are reviewed monthly by the district's Finance Department.

The district also maintains a ghost (non-physical) credit card through UMB, according to the documentation. Use is requested from and approved by Chief Financial Officer Shelly Toft.

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