Monday, March 28, 2022

Vicky Hartzler: Americans can't afford Biden's budget

(From Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) issued the following statement regarding President Biden’s budget release for Fiscal Year 2023:

“Across our nation, families continue to struggle with the Biden administration’s disastrous policies and anti-energy agenda. Prices have skyrocketed at the grocery store and the gas pump, making it difficult for everyday Americans to feed their families and get to work.

President Biden’s answer? Focus on the wrong priorities by growing our national debt to $45 trillion by 2032 and further diminishing energy independence with Green New Deal payouts – all while failing to adequately fund our military to keep up with inflation.

The simple truth is that Democrats continue to be detached from reality and refuse to address the real issues facing America. This budget agenda would saddle our small businesses with tax hikes and throw more money at a pandemic that is intrinsically over.

Washington Democrats would rather push their socialist proposals than focus on our security and the kitchen table issues impacting the American family. We must push for President Trump’s agenda of putting America first instead of Biden’s policies which put America last.”

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