Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Ed Emery: Gay marriage decision empowers group outside of nature's God

Sen. Ed Emery, R-Lamar, is not a fan of the U. S. Supreme Court's decision last week declaring part of the Defense of Marriage Act pertaining to gay marriage illegal. In a Nevada Daily Mail article, Emery offered his opinion on the decision:

State Sen. Ed Emery (R-Lamar) agrees the decision on DOMA was wrong."The Court doesn't always issue the right opinion," he said. "It's another demonstration of judicial activism. The courts have become very arrogant in believing they are the ones in charge of legislation rather than the legislatures."I do think it puts an even greater emphasis on the need to continue to recognize that the federal government is empowered by the states, not vice versa."Emery called the decision contrary to logic, reason and tradition."The step to empower a special group who is completely outside mainstream, nature and nature's God is an extreme departure from the history and heritage of the country," he said. "It's a complete denial of the institution of marriage as being a building block of society."Emery encouraged people to respond by asking their elected representatives to take measures of impeachment against judges who have joined the decision."Those of us who really do believe that this is a violation of constitutional limits need to stay within the constitution as we address it," he said. "I think it's important to take constitutional action to resolve what the courts have done."


Anonymous said...

Mr. Emery should look into obtaining a membership in the Flat Earth Society, if he has not already joined. He would feel right at home with all of the rest of the nonthinking, small minded, uninformed populace.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and a veritable poster boy for those suffering from chronic, self-imposed ignorance. It is a painful and costly condition that must be cured.