Friday, August 15, 2014

Details on my candidacy for Joplin R-8 Board of Education

It's not going to happen.


Anonymous said...

Best article to date!

Anonymous said...

That's probably a good move on your part Randy. God knows it would surely pop your delusional grandeur bubble you live in. It is pitiful, you just sit at your computer all day and spread ignorance, rumors and hate.
As arrogant and stupid as you might be, you're at least smart enough to know that it would not be in your best interests to leave your rat hole and expose yourself the city of Joplin for public voting on what the majority of citizens think of you.
Granted, I'm sure all of your flunky, narrow minded,and uneducated followers would come out and support you...provided that they're even engaged enough in this city to put down their crack pipes and get to the poles. But after that little margin has given you their "Yes" vote you know the other 90% of Joplin would bury you in "HELL NO's"
It's really not the kind of open forum and exposure a guy of your sort really wants. No, when a guy like you is sitting in his underwear at 3:00am bashing the good people of Joplin, who are actually having a positive impact and working hard to improve lives, you don't want real honest feedback. You are just anxiously awaiting those ignorant, typo filled, 'atta boy', comments from a couple of your little followers. That's what your craving to get you back into warm fuzzy place where you can convince yourself that you're a community leader of some kind. You're not, your a public joke Turner. Worst of all, you're a man set out to divide this city against itself. It's not good Joplin.

Anonymous said...

I just got the message that all comments must be approved by the blog author.
If you have only testicle in your shriveled little sack, then you'll publish my last post.
If not, you're not better then the folks you're accusing of trying to silence their opposition on your blog.

Anonymous said...

come on all bark and no bite''''''

Anonymous said...

My goodness, you all look so desperate and defensive. This is pathetic. Turner gives enough documentation to sink a ship, and you would believe CJ. Or maybe you are CJ. I hear his demeanor at every meeting is more and more desperate and pathetic. Perhaps even unstable. Tuesday morning ought to be interesting.

The truth is painful people. Deal with it. Get some real evidence to contradict what Turner has shown you. Do something other than petty attacks.

Anonymous said...

Some of the people commenting here need to get some anger management therapy. Pathetic. Desperate. Guilty. Blind. Followers.

Anonymous said...

If Turner's commenters are truly uneducated, the ones who are writing here so incoherently in CJ's favor must be imbecilic. Birds of a feather flock together, and apparently CJ attracts very angry, small-minded people incapable of arguing against something definite like a document, but are only capable of hurling personal attacks that make them feel all self-rigtheous. They should just stop. They are doing CJ more harm than good that way. I tend to believe they are his sad little circle of employees who depend on him to keep justifying and paying for their unnecessary jobs. They sound like they're threatened.

Anonymous said...

I don't support CJ and I don't support Randy...two peas at opposite ends of the same pod.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Anonymous 3:04 stated "You are just anxiously awaiting those ignorant, typo filled.." yet his/her post has multiple typos/errors. Troll or fool? Either way, it was an entertaining post. What a nut!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:04 -it's spelled poll...

Anonymous said...

3:04 among other typos, you may want to look at the correct usage of you're and your as well. Your sentence structure is unacceptable for even a 5th grader.

Anonymous said...

3:04 among other typos, you may want to look at the correct usage of you're and your as well. Your sentence structure is unacceptable for even a 5th grader.

Huff Disliker said...

I am sorry it took me so long to comment on 3:04's very long drawn out comments that seemed to be from someone whom has not even graduated from potty training. But I was on my crack pipe and in line for the "poles" to open and cast my vote. Give me a break. Huffy is as crooked as Lombard St in San Francisco, Ca.

Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt said...

3:04 pm is absolutely correct.

And I wish that I had written the above. When I write one of my diatribes against Turner and them Turner-tards I have to tone down the venom, so I appreciate your tone 3:04 pm.

Turner and Turner-tards are so pathetic.

Usually Turner censors my comments. I'll see if this one is approved.

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

Anonymous said...

Lucky you 3:04, the pastor of a white supremacist "church" agrees with and supports your narrow-minded opinion.

Anonymous said...

3:04 and Pastor Nutbag make me proud to be a Turner supporter.

And by the way, I prefer "Tur-Nerd."