Rep. Marilyn Ruestman, R-Joplin, does not appear to have any worries as far as fundraising is concerned.
According to documents filed this week with the Missouri Ethics Commission, Ms. Ruestman collected $20,870 in the past three months, bringing her total to $55,556.06. Much of her money came from legislative district committees, which do not have to abide by the $300 contribution limit.
On Dec. 29 and 30 alone, Ms. Ruestman received $1,500 contributions from the 19th Legislative District Republican Committee, the 18th Republican Legislative District, the 23rd Senatorial District Republican Committee, and the 89 Legislative District Republican Committee, the 17th Legislative District Republican Committee, the 15th Legislative District Republican Committee; the 16th Legislative District Republican Committee, the 12th Legislative District Republican Committee, the 14th Legislative District Republican Committee, and the 2nd Senatorial District Republican Committee, for a total of $15,000. All of those districts are listed with an address of 320 Monroe Street, St. Charles.
Ms. Ruestman received an additional $1,420 from the 29th Senate District Republican Committee, P. O. Box 68, Gainesville; $1,500 from the 128th District Legislative Committee, 2020 Trenton, Joplin; and $450 from the 126th District Republican Legislative Committee, P.O. Box 69, Liberal.
Other contributions came from:
Missouri Bankers Association State PAC, Jefferson City, $300; Golden Rule, Lawrenceville, Ill., $300; H-PAC-Missouri, Prospect Heights, Ill., $300; J. W. Stout Enterprises, Joplin, $200; HBAM PAC, Jefferson City, $200; Missouri State Chiropractors Association PAC, Jefferson City, $150; Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City PAC, $300; Coca Cola Enterprises, Atlanta, GA., $250; Nick Myers, Joplin, $200; and Committee for Political Action of Missouri Certified Public Accountants CPA, St. Louis.
Randy, I just went to the Ethics commision site to look up Ruestman's report and it isn't posted there. Where did you get it?
Never mind, I found it listed as a 2005 report instead of 2006.
They don't make it easy.
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