Rep. Marilyn Ruestman's frontier justice bill, which gives people the right to blow away trespassers even if their lives are not threatened, is one of at least 15 cookie-cutter type bills passed in state legislatures across the United States.
While she was fighting for this bill, which has been signed into law by Governor Matt Blunt, she repeatedly talked about all of the people who came to her begging for the right to defend themselves. I was skeptical about it then, but it appears I was wrong.
I didn't realize, however, that all of these people who were pushing for the bill, like Ms. Ruestman, were National Rifle Association members. Apparently, this bill has been the big push for the NRA nationwide and has been a manufactured crisis rather than a legitimate one.
Ms. Ruestman is an NRA member, though she doesn't pay for her membership out of her own pocket. As I noted in the April 15 Turner Report, her dues were paid for by the people who donated to her campaign committee.
1 comment:
You have always had the right to protect your property and you have always had the right to bear arms. The cases of people who have had charges brought against them for defending their property are nearly non-existent. This is a manufactured issue. I am so tired of people talking about my agenda. If 15 states suddenly pass laws to correct a non-existent problem, I would suggest I am not the one who has the agenda.
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