Friday, November 06, 2009

Hartzler: Obama, Pelosi, Skelton not doing anything about jobs

In a news release issued today, Vicky Hartzler, a Republican challenger to Fourth District Congressman Ike Skelton, ripped Skelton and other top Democrats for their failure to reduce unemployment:

Former state representative Vicky Hartzler stated, "While President Barack Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Skelton remain focused on what government program to create next and figure out what new tax we have to pay, 190,000 jobs have been lost and our unemployment rate is now above 10%.
“The Obama administration promised that if they passed the stimulus bill unemployment would not rise above 8%. Now that Congressman Skelton’s ever bigger government and more massive debt plan has failed it is time for the right kind of change. Government has become the problem, not the solution, and we need less government, more accountability and lower taxes on working families and retirees.
“This is not an abstract economic argument, this is real and happening at the family tables of far too many people in America and in the Fourth Congressional District.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They should of just the unemployed the stimulus money to stimulate the economy.