Friday, November 15, 2013

Gatschenberger to Nixon: Marriage is between a man and a woman

(From Rep. Chuck Gatschenberger)
Rep. Chuck Gatschenberger (R-Lake St. Louis) said today he is troubled by Governor Jay Nixon’s executive order allowing tax benefits to gay couples married in other states.  The executive order permits these couples to file joint tax returns in Missouri. 
 “The voters of Missouri overwhelmingly passed an amendment to our state Constitution defining marriage as between a man and a woman,” Gatschenberger said.  “The Governor is sworn to uphold Missouri’s Constitution.  The fact that his executive order ignores this part of our Constitution is a problem.  I have requested Attorney General Koster to issue an opinion regarding whether or not the Governor’s unilateral decision via executive order is lawful.”


Anonymous said...

I have such conflicted feelings about this issue ...I was raised to believe men married women, not men to men or women to women, but now, although I feel squeamish about this issue, I am having issues with this ESP when it is so thrown in my face...met many out of the norm people in this sort of raltionship & feel okay in their company, but I am almost 70 & so trying to understand...

Anonymous said...

If you are 70 then perhaps you remember what it was like for interracial couples. How is this different?

Missouri, prior to the US Supreme Court decision in Loving v. Virginia June 12, 1967, banned both Blacks and Asians from marrying Whites.

Not too many years before, the same mixing of races in the schools and public places was prohibited by law and not wanted by many members of the public.

So much hate and nonsense cloaked in religion and politics, and based on superficial differences that should not matter. Let us not forget the burning crosses, the lynchings, the police batons and and fire hoses used to enforce these same beliefs.

Banning marriages like this one?

smh (modern shorthand for shaking my head, often used when words can not describe how stupid or senseless something is)

Anonymous said...

Love the sinner, not the sin.
This makes me sad.

Anonymous said...

What is legal and what is accepted is, at least in this instance, not one and the same. You do not have to accept these folks but you do have to give them their damned rights. you have the right to believe whatever you choose to believe, however, you do not have the right to impose your beliefs upon others. The days of making them sew a pink triangle on all their clothing ended a long time ago.