Monday, November 25, 2013

MSBA, NEA leaders list issues for 2014 legislative session: Common Core unmentioned

It seems hard to believe that anyone could possibly overlook Common Core Standards as an issue that will be prominent in the 2014 Missouri legislative session, but apparently leaders of two education groups are not seeing it on the horizon.

An article in the Sunday Jefferson City News Tribune features some predictions from officials in the Missouri NEA and Missouri School Boards Association and Common Core Standards is not mentioned once.

What do they see as the top educational issues?


-The transfers from failing school districts

-Accountability issues

-Changing the school calendar to require schools to start after Labor Day

Contrary to what these officials think, from what I am hearing from legislators and from what I see happening on the grass roots level, Common Core Standards will be near or at the top of the list when it comes to educational issues in 2014.

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