Tuesday, August 19, 2014

C. J. Huff offers tearful welcome back speech to R-8 staff

C. J. Huff welcomed Joplin R-8 staff back today with an emotional speech during the opening day pep rally at College Heights Christian Church.

Staff members who attended said Huff cried three times during his speech.

The staff members reportedly will be the ones crying the rest of the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found it particularly offensive when he humbly stated that some fools somewhere said it must have been divine intervention that led him to Joplin so he could be here during the storm. Now, if God could bring CJ here, couldn't He have stopped the storm? But, since CJ's arrival, we have had two major ice storms, a blizzard, an inland hurricane, a winter of constant snow/rain days, and a record breaking tornado. If you want to look at this from the perspective of religion, it seems that CJ has brought many major weather events with him...what a legacy.