Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Concerned about $20 parking fee? Don't bother to ask the Board

Parents who are concerned about the $20 parking fee their students are going to have to pay at the new Joplin High School can forget about asking the Board of Education for an explanation.

The matter was brought up at the end of tonight's meeting by board member Debbie Fort, who said a parent had spoken to her expressing concerns.

Fort was immediately cut off by Board President Annie Sharp. "Tell them to talk to their principal," she snapped.

It seems that while some elected officials have no problem approving $37 million in financing (5-1 with Dr. Fort casting the dissenting vote), they forget that many can't afford to be hit by a series of parking fees, computer fees, and whatever else they think of adding.


Anonymous said...

Ann Sharps remark was rude ! I will be calling Mr Sachetta tomorrow about why he personally set those fees up.

I don't know who you think you are Ann Sharp , but how about following the same expectations you have of students - be respectful and Be considerate,

Anonymous said...

Talk about infuriating. I am livid. It's time to get an organized parent group together and start fighting this nonsense.
I won't leave, my family can't leave but hearing things like this sure makes me wish I could.
She awful. AWFUL.

Anonymous said...

will let's make the teachers pay $40 to park and Mr.Huff and his pet's pay $60 or walk 3 miles to school what a joke R8 is I'am ashamed to live here

Anonymous said...

I have always been impressed by Anne Sharp's involvement with the district...she is at nearly every event. But, WOW! Shame on you, Anne Sharp! It looks like I might have misjudged you.

Anonymous said...

Anne Sharp has always been a great supporter of the R8. But as of lately I have been appalled by her behavior. Not sure if she will get my vote next time her seat is up for re election

Anonymous said...

It's all fun and games as a Board President at least until the good times are gone. Randy Turner isn't a grasshopper, but a few of the board members

Anonymous said...

It was easy for Anne to be a good board member when Jim Simpson was here because he was a good manager. Now she has backed this bumbling idiot who has run the district into the ground, and she doesn't know how to handle it. All she can do is continue as always and get defensive. She needs to hand the reins over to Fort or Kimbrough. She can continue to rubber stamp everything if she wishes, but maybe what they come up with will be less dangerous.

Hint: Parents need to check out the legal code for private vs. public parking. At $10.00 the laws of search and seizure change.