Friday, May 15, 2020

Billy Long: The Trump Administration is doing a great job dealing with coronavirus

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

The Coronavirus has created a new “not so” normal for all of us, where face masks and bare grocery store shelves have become common place.

In recent weeks, our food chain supply has been negatively impacted, forcing the Trump Administration to implement measures to right the ship. 

Workers in every aspect of our food supply chain are essential and it is our responsibility to offer the support necessary for them to do their jobs safely. 

In recent weeks, we’ve seen an alarming increase in the number of positive cases among meat and poultry processors, which has contributed to the disruption in our food supply chain. 

President Trump recognized the costly impact this could have, which prompted him to issue an executive order ensuring the continued supply of beef, pork, and poultry to the American people. 

This proactive approach, carried out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), guarantees that meat and poultry processors maintains a maximum level of output while adhering to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and will prevent further disruptions to our food supply chain.

On April 17th, the USDA unveiled the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) that dedicates approximately $19 billion in support of our farmers, ranchers, and producers through direct payments. 

The program utilizes funding provided in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES), the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), and other USDA existing authorities. 

Though USDA is still finalizing how CFAP funds will be allocated, it will provide direct support to farmers and ranchers based on actual losses where prices and market supply chains have been impacted and assists producers with additional adjustment and marketing costs created by a short-term oversupply caused by the Coronavirus.

The challenges created by the Coronavirus have forced businesses and agencies to adopt creative and flexible strategies in order to maintain normal operations. 

In order to facilitate these new changes, the USDA has relaxed rules for more than 1500 programs and has worked closely with states to accommodate individual needs. 

The USDA has expanded online food purchasing programs to 16 different states including Missouri. The USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is also providing additional flexibilities giving producers credit options and relaxing the loan-making process to provide credit to producers who are struggling; it also is temporarily suspending loan accelerations and non-judicial foreclosures.

Despite what the media says, the Trump Administration has done a great job responding to the Coronavirus. 

The USDA has worked carefully with other agencies to ensure every aspect of our food chain supply has the resources necessary to maintain close-to-normal production levels without sacrificing the safety and well-being of these essential workers. 

I will continue to do my part in Congress to pass meaningful legislation that offers the support necessary to continue these efforts, and I sincerely appreciate all of the men and women in our great state and across the nation who have worked tirelessly to maintain our food supply.


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that you believe what you are saying has any shred of evidence that all is doing great. When orange hair says that testing tells us how many case we have, but if we do not test then there are no cases. How can you with any straight face lie so easily to the citizens who put their trust in this clown of a leader. Our standing internationally is so low only a snake like your group can go under the bar. Firing all the competent people in government or demoting them is no way to run a business and for certain not a government who is suppose to protect us. Crawl into you hole of a premium suite in Las Vegas and just stay there and out of the way.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the disease that will linger long after COVID-19, the one for which we'll have no vaccine, is the total selfishness that has left many people impervious to the suffering of others and unwilling to alter their lifestyles on behalf of saving a stranger....

Is Billy Long suffering Las Vegas deprivation yet?

Anonymous said...

Bloviating Beluga says what?