Monday, May 04, 2020

Missouri Democrats to hold virtual state convention

(From the Missouri Democratic Party)

Under Gov. Parson’s direction, Missouri is reopening most non-essential businesses today and stay-at-home orders and restrictions are being lifted.

While we continue to see an upward trend in new coronavirus cases, with 368 confirmed just today - the largest in a single day since only this past Saturday - the Missouri Democratic Party will continue to take all necessary steps to help curb its spread and to do our part to protect the health and well-being of our staff, supporters, and fellow citizens.

To that end, we have just announced that our 2020 Democratic State Convention will be held virtually this year.

We’ll be having an exciting event with special guest speakers, candidates, elected officials, and will choose the delegates who will represent Missouri at National Convention. We’re looking forward to seeing you on June 12th and 13th!

For the time being, our offices will remain closed to the public, our staff will continue to work from home, and we encourage all county parties and clubs to keep organizing and hosting events online.

But remember that we are moving into the summer of the most important election year any of us have ever seen, and our work of organizing to flip a Governor’s seat, a Congressional seat, and even more House and Senate seats moves full steam ahead.

We’ve had a tremendously positive response from folks who are making phone calls, connecting on social media, registering voters, and tossing their spare change toward getting as many Democrats elected as possible. Thank you, we couldn’t do this without you all!

Please be safe and stay healthy. Stay home as much as you can. Keep washing your hands constantly. Be courteous by wearing a mask when you leave the house. And keep a good six foot distance between yourself and others.

See you virtually for State Convention on June 12th & 13th!


-Lauren Gepford, Executive Director, Missouri Democratic Party


Anonymous said...

Why do all Democrat leaders have demonic, non-lucid eyes?

Anonymous said...

9:41 you can relax, demons don’t exist. However if you look in Trump’s eyes you can see soulless ignorance which should scare you.