Monday, June 01, 2020

Joplin Police Chief: Actions of Minneapolis officers do not "align with values or ethics" of JPD

(From Joplin Police Chief Sloan Rowland)

Considering recent events around the country I felt the need to address some issues. I, along with every reputable law enforcement officer I have spoken to here, and around the country were shocked with the video from Minneapolis and death of George Floyd. It evokes a visceral response of disgust, disbelief, and anger.

Those actions that the world witnessed do not in any way align with the values or ethics of the Joplin Police Department.

Our training, policies, and procedures are in direct conflict with those actions. We remain committed to serving every member of this community with professionalism and respect. We will always support the constitutional rights of our citizens to voice their concerns in a peaceful manner and to have their voices heard.

Our primary mission as a department is to provide a safe environment for all our citizens, businesses, and our visitors. We cannot accomplish that without the assistance of our entire community.

Police Chief Sloan Rowland


Anonymous said...

Didn't yall murder an unarmed disabled man recently?

Anonymous said...

Disabled? Don't you mean, raging with mental illness, fueled by illegal drugs while refusing to take his prescribed psycho-tropics, which cause their own problems. Granted, female empowerment reared it's untrained and incapable head that day. Making the male officer not only have to protect himself but now, her as well. Unfortunate result, but not murder.